I found glhint but it.
Draw floor opengl.
Source code can be downloaded fr.
I read about those but i only found that opengl does not have any method in with you can specify for example supersampling parameters.
When you find the bad glvertex3d quadruple comment the others and look what it does really.
Initially stenciling is not used so if you look by holding down the left mouse button and moving at the dinosaur from below the floor you ll see a bogus dinosaur and appreciate how the basic technique works.
If you recall how we made our cubes we specified the four vertices that we wanted to color in and that was it.
Here i will show you how you might go about doing that.
First configure visual studio for glut.
Draw 2 shapes if it s ok draw 3 if ok continue to decomment.
Hope you get some help for beginners.
First try to understand the problem statement.
The example has a mode using opengl stenciling to avoid drawing the reflection not on the top of the floor.
Draw a checker floor let build a chess board with computer graphics using opengl platform.
March 17 2019.
Transparency is all about objects or parts of them not having a solid color but having a combination of colors from the object itself and any other object behind it with varying intensity.
Read the following article to configure visual studio for glut and to get started with opengl.
Very simple example of how to achieve reflections on a flat surface using opengl blending.
Here we will just draw some scene using quads.
Please don t just copy paste the code.
I have also to analyze the existent anti aliasing opengl methods.
First draw the black and the white strips for the board with the opengl program for chessboard.
Draw reflection of object on the floor using opengl utility toolkit glut drawing reflection capture the extra realism of the object in 3d programming for example bouncing ball having its reflection on the floor can make the bouncing scenario more beautiful and realistic.
Blending in opengl is commonly known as the technique to implement transparency within objects.
Second solve code with pen and paper.
If it s not that you have to set the znear of your camera lower but it doesn t seems to be that.
Third then write code and submit in the oj to justify test cases.
Fifth after failed in 3rd time see my solution.
Fourth if failed to ac then optimize your code to the better version.
Understnad the logic and implement by your own.